avalonestatebg@gmail.com +359885355561

Located in southeastern Europe, Bulgaria covers the northeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. The whole territory of the country is 111 000 sq. km. On the east Bulgaria borders on 378 kilometers with the Black Sea, on the west with Macedonia and Serbia, on the north with Romania and on the south with Greece and Turkey.

The lay of the country is various, as in vertical plan it ranges from 0 to 2925m.

There are 16 mountains in Bulgaria. They cover about 1/3 of the territory of the country. Here is located the longest mountain chain (The Balkan Mountains) and the highest massif on the Balkans (Rila). Musala peak in Rila Mountain is the highest peak on the Balkan Peninsula. The gentle slopes alternate with high peaks, deep precipices, picturesque river valleys and impressive gorges. The mountain regions are distinguished by huge variety of vegetative and animal world. In some places there are preserved natural massifs of broad-leaved and coniferous woods at the age of 250-300 years. The oldest tree (Baykusheva mura (white fir) in Pirin) is at the age of over 1300 years and it is coeval of the Bulgarian state. Unique caves, rock phenomena and waterfalls attract great number of tourists.

The climate in the country is extremely healthy with four clearly expressed seasons - moderate warm in the summer and moderate cold in the winter, with much sun and continuous retention of snow cover in the high mountains. The average annual temperature in Bulgaria is 10.5?C. The number of sunny days in Bulgaria is 18-20% more than those of Central, Northern and Northwestern Europe, and the quantity of rainfalls in the spring and summer months – lower by 26-65%.

The mountains Rila, Pirin, the Rhodopes, Vitosha and the Balkan Mountains offer convenient tracks and facilities for ski tourism and winter sports. The duration of the ski season in the mountain resorts is up to 190 days. The total length of ski tracks is over 80 km.with displacement up to 1500 m.

The Black Sea water is with low salt content. That together with its moderate temperature in the summer (22-24 °С), makes it especially pleasant for bathing. The high and low tides are slight. Here are not any strong water streams or dangerous animal and vegetative species, which represent threat for people’s health and life. In the Black Sea flow picturesque rivers, the outfalls of which are surrounded by thick and cool moisture loving woods. Parts thereof are navigable for small motor boats and they offer to the tourists unforgettable rows downstream. The multiple sea lakes – lagoons and firths are shelter for a huge variety of rare plants and animals, especially birds.

Bulgaria is also famous for its natural hot mineral springs – about 1600 nbr. In the past the "holy" springs of Thrace were famous in all corners of the Great Roman Empire. They offer excellent opportunities for balneotourism and SPA procedures. The country is much rich of ancient monuments of culture and artifacts of different epochs from its over 1300 year history and before. Thracians, Romans, Slavs, Greeks and Turks have left their marks on the numerous historical monuments. We may boast of 9 sites included under the protection of UNESCO. The numerous monasteries, churches and mosques, some with hundredths of year history, represent natural attraction for each tourist.

Our country offers a combination of quiet country landscape in the villages, which have preserved their unique spirit of old times and modern towns beating with the rhythm of growing business and always changing fashions. Regardless of your preferences and interests, you will always find something entertaining and fascinating in this small piece of land.

The real estates in Bulgaria are the most quickly growing assets. During the past one-two years the prices thereof generally increased by more than 25%, and some of them increased their prices by 50 %, especially those in the capital city of Sofia, on the Black Sea and ski resorts.

The improved economical status, the political and social stability in Bulgaria contributed during the last 3-4 years for a real leap in the prices of real property.

Another important factor for the increase of prices is the growing demand, prompted by the enormous potential for tourism in our country – wonderful natural attractions – incredible picturesque mountains, beautiful and clean coast with over 70 beach lines with total area of about 9 mln. sq. m., some of them wide and allowing to hundredths of visitors to enjoy the hot sun, other small and calm, nestling in picturesque sea bays with improbable landscape, preserved provincial districts / minimum urbanization/, thousands year history on these lands etc.

Bulgaria is considered as the most quickly growing market of tourism in Europe.

That is the thing, which the foreign buyers of real property in Bulgaria most esteem.

The constantly increasing prices make the purchase of property in Bulgaria, one of the best investments, which you may do now!

Here are few other reasons to invest in Bulgaria listed in brief:

  • Strategic geographical location.

  • Easy access to Western Europe- just2 hours by plane.

  • Most suitable healthy climate for living– you enjoy four seasons.

  • Well developed and permanently improving summer and winter resorts.

  • Politically stable country.

  • Economically stableand permanently stabilizing economy/Currency Board Arrangement-1997/.

  • Permanent growth of Gross Domestic Product/4. 7 - 4. 9 %/ per year since

  • A full member ofNATOsince

  • An official full member of the European Community since January2007!

  • Most of the Bulgarian laws areharmonized with the European Union legislation.

  • Much competitive price of labourin comparison with the remaining part of Europe.

  • Well educated and highly trained, English speaking labour force.

  • Much competitive profit tax- 10 % 1 Jan.2007.

  • One of the most liberal legislationsfor a foreign investmentin Southeastern Europe./The foreign investors are convinced of the good future of Bulgaria as a place for direct investments, and the EU membership redirects the focus from the industry to activities with higher value added tax. These are the conclusions from the second issue of the research of Ernst & Young. The attractiveness of Southeastern Europe for direct investment, based on consultation with 200 top managers in the world. Over 68% from the inquired persons prognosticate that during the next 3 years the attractiveness of Bulgaria as a place for direct investments shall improve. The reasons determining the increased interest of the investors are the favorable corporate taxation, the reasonable price of labour and the flexible employment legislation/.

  • Still one of the lowest actual prices of properties in Europe.

Bulgaria is on the agenda in the European funds for real property investments.